When I think of teas, I think of cozy pajamas, warms socks, and self-care. There is nothing like getting up in the morning and grabbing yourself a warm cup of tea to get your body started. There are a host of different teas, formulas, and varieties to choose from. Today, we are focusing solely on the 3 essential teas for women and how you can use them to promote health.
If you love tea, then you’ll love this article because we will talk about the top teas for women but we’ll also look at the benefits of each tea and the best way they can support you.
Plus, I think these teas are pretty tasty 😊 of course honey makes all the difference.
I take my teas in the morning with NO honey. Yep, no honey! I like my teas straight like some people like their coffees black.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I definitely add honey to my teas. I have just found that my body responds to the herbs better without honey in the morning.
If I need something warm in the afternoon, I will go for a green tea and add lemon and honey. I think drinking tea is sort of an art lol.
There are so many teas to drink for health reasons, so you want to maximize that and drink them properly.
Whichever way you choose to drink your teas, don’t forget to think about your health and consider the specific benefits of that tea. It will help you to determine which teas to drink and when.
This article is all about the top 3 essential teas for women to drink that promote health
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#1 Best Herbal Teas For Women: Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
If there’s one tea to win the top spot it would probably be red raspberry leaf tea.
Most women are no strangers when it comes to raspberry leaf tea. Hopefully, you have at least heard of this powerhouse tea. If not, no worries, we will look further into it below.
Red Raspberry leaf tea (Raspberry Leaf Tea) is harvested from the raspberry plant known as Rubus Idaeus, and has been given the nickname, the woman’s herb.
It has been known as one of the top teas for women for over two centuries now and is mostly harvested in the northern climates.
You can purchase this tea online at iherb (an online herbal/ supplement store), in grocery stores, and forage them straight from nature if you know what to look for.
This is by far one of the best teas for women to consume. Especially for those looking to become pregnant, and for expectant mothers.
There are also other benefits to this tea besides pregnancy support, so let’s see what all the hype is about and how it can help you!
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Health Benefits for Women
- Helps to strengthen and increase blood flow to the uterus.
- Has been known to prevent miscarriage in pregnant women. Read more here
- Helps to aid as a support in childbirth by reducing labor complications.
- Helps to reduce menstrual cramps and menstrual symptoms.
- Contain vital nutrients: Vitamin A, C, E, and B. All are known to help improve cellular energy.
- Contains antioxidants which can reduce the risk of disease.
Side Effects To Be Mindful Of
Another great thing about red raspberry leaf tea is that there are no known major side effects reported from consumption.
- There are reports of digestive upset due to the laxative properties. However, this was only a problem for those taking the supplement in high doses. Read more here.
- Pregnant women have the biggest associated risk. There is some controversy around this topic, but there have been reports of red raspberry leaf tea possibly causing braxton hicks and pre-term labor. Most pregnant women are advised to drink red raspberry leaf tea around the time of birth (1-2 weeks out) and no sooner.
If you are pregnant, I would urge you to consult your physician before taking red raspberry leaf tea at any time during your pregnancy.
Learn more scientific research about red raspberry leaf tea and pregnancy here.
Best Way To Enjoy Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
As with all teas it is best to boil your water instead of using the microwave.
Pour about 8oz of boiling water over your tea bags and let them step for 10-15 minutes for better results.
Don’t forget to cover it while it steeps! 😊
According to iherb, you can enjoy up to 3 cups per day.
A bit about iherb: iherb is an online herbal and supplement support store. Think of Amazon, but more geared toward your health needs. What I enjoy about iherb is that you can earn points by doing reviews & answering questions, they have fast shipping, free shipping on certain amounts, and trusted brands.
Enjoy my friends and family discount of $5 off your first purchase, or %5 off if you’re already an iherb customer. All of the teas mentioned in this article can be purchased online via iherb.
No wonder Red Raspberry leaf is called the women’s herb.
Not only does the leaf have an abundance of vitamins and minerals for overall health, but it has been used for centuries to help women tackle childbirth, pregnancy, uterine support, and blood flow.
Plus, it helps women to obtain healthy menstruation. These are all very important things for a women’s health!
Where do I sign up! Lol 😊
To point out the flavor, it is robust in flavor yet mild. It kind of tastes like black or green tea without any sweeteners.
For a better taste, sweeten with organic local honey or coconut sugar.
You can also add a little milk for a smoother taste. Of course, I am not a fan of dairy; however, any type of milk will work.
You can check out red raspberry leaf tea, the womens herb, here. 😊
This article is all about the best teas for health : 3 essential teas for women

#2 Best Herbal Teas For Women: Dandelion Tea
Ahhhh, dandelion tea! I am no stranger to dandelion tea, and it has to be one of my favorite teas for women’s health.
I have been on plenty of detoxes where dandelion tea was integrated. Even when I am not detoxing, I try and get this tea in at least 3 times per week.
We all pass by dandelions (Taraxacum officianale) very frequently. In nature, dandelions are found in yards (considered weeds), open fields, and gardens.
The actual flower is yellow in color, but most of us only recognize the seed head of a dandelion.
The seeds are what we see children blowing on in movies and in magazines. You know, those “white fluffy little flowers” that we pick up off the side of the road to blow on for wishes.
Yes, those. Those are dandelion seeds.
The tea however is made of the leaves of the plant or the roots of the plant (most nutrient-dense part). You can identify this by the packaging of your teas if you plan to purchase them.
Dandelions have been used as medicine since the 10th century and are packed with beneficial nutrients for women.
Let’s see what health benefits dandelion tea has to offer you, and why it’s ranked as one of the best teas for women.
Dandelion Tea Health Benefits For Women
- Helps to naturally detoxify the kidneys and the liver.
- Due to dandelion being a natural diuretic, it helps to reduce water weight, bloating, and varicose veins.
- Helps to regulate digestion and bowel disorders.
- Can contribute to hormone regulation in women; especially those going through menopause.
- Boosts the immune system and helps to cleanse the blood (by way of the liver).
- Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Can help you lose weight by boosting metabolism and controlling fat stores.
- Due to the high content of Vitamin A, it can help fight against breast cancer.
Learn more about the health benefits of dandelions here.
Side Effects To Be Mindful Of
As with any herbal support that you use, please be sure to do your research and check with your medical physician before adding it to your routine.
From the research that I have done, there are not a lot of negative side effects when it comes to drinking dandelion tea for women’s health.
I did find a few, and I have listed them below for you:
- Can cause some medication interferences. Particularly, if you are already taking a diuretic, you want to use this herb with caution as the two can cause issues.
- Not good for individuals dealing with kidney disease.
- Could pose issues for someone taking blood thinners. If you are taking blood thinners it is best to stay away from dandelion tea.
- Pregnancy concerns of dandelion tea. I’ll be honest, there is some debate around this topic. Doctors do suggest that pregnant women avoid dandelion while others teach moderation. Talk with your OBGYN for more information, and limit your intake to 1 cup per day.
Check out the article from bellybelly.com for more information on safe and unsafe teas during pregnancy.
Best Way to Enjoy Dandelion Tea
As with all teas it is best to boil your water instead of using the microwave.
Pour about 8oz of boiling water over your tea bags and let them step for 10-15 minutes for better results.
Don’t forget to cover it while it steeps! 😊
According to iherb, you can enjoy up to 3 cups per day.
Word of caution: It’s best to drink dandelion tea for 2 weeks consecutively, and then take a 1-week break before further consumption.
Takeaway: Drink it at night before bed as it also helps to promote better sleep. Use local organic honey when possible.
All in all, this is a wonderful tea for women to add to their daily routines. I enjoy using dandelion tea at night before bed.
I like knowing that while I am sleeping, I’ve given my body herbal support to help with its restoration process.
It has a slightly bitter taste, but honey and lemon will help with that. Raw local honey is best, at least for your health, and organic lemon juice or lemons is preferred.
I’ve experienced decreased bloating, better sleep, and feel better overall in general. I will continue to use it in my nighttime routine.
For years now, I’ve used the brand Traditional Medicinals for my dandelion tea.
It’s organic, caffeine-free, and a trusted source. Check it out here with iherb. You can save $5 when you use my link. 😊

#3 Best Herbal Teas For Women: Fennel Tea
Fennel is one of those herbs that I am just getting familiar with due to a recent bad case of bloating. It has now been added to my bulletproof holistic healing toolbelt FOR GOOD.
I was experiencing some mild bloating and discomfort, so much so, that I began looking for a holistic cure for bloating.
What I found was that fennel was supposed to be a great herb that can help ease stomach discomfort.
I purchased the Fennel essential oil (it’s easier) and added a couple of drops to my water a couple of times a week with good success.
Of course, you can also purchase fennel tea and use that just as easily.
That led me to wonder what other health benefits fennel provided; especially for us women.
Surprisingly, fennel is a part of the carrot family and is considered a vegetable. It can be eaten raw, and every part of the fennel vegetables is edible.
When talking about fennel tea benefits for women, however, fennel tea is specifically made from dried fennel seeds.
It has very bold flavors that are simi-sweet yet tangy. This tea is good for your evening wine me down and can be purchased online or at your local grocery store.
Fennel Tea Health Benefits For Women
- Stimulates milk production in breastfeeding women.
- Reduces stress (which benefits the hormones).
- Regulates the appetite.
- Helps with painful periods and menstrual cramps.
- Because of its anti-spasmodic qualities, fennel has been known to help infants with colic.
- Helps to regulate digestion issues like IBS and promote healthy digestion.
- Has the ability to help women dealing with menopause.
Side Effects To Be Mindful Of
- Because I mentioned fennel essential oil, you have to be careful with the amount used. Because it is so potent, high doses can be toxic. Read more here
- Also, be careful when taking it in supplement form as there have been some safety concerns expressed.
- Pregnant women should avoid ingesting the essential oil and taking any supplements. Although, eating the plant should be fine.
- Due to the estrogen properties in fennel, it can interfere with certain medications (especially if your taking estrogen)
Best Way To Enjoy Fennel Tea For Women
As with all teas it is best to boil your water instead of using the microwave.
Pour about 8oz of boiling water over your tea bags and let them step for 10-15 minutes for better results.
Don’t forget to cover it while it steeps! 😊
According to iherb, you can enjoy 1-3 cups per day.
Take Away: Enjoy fennel raw, cooked, as an essential oil, or a tea. You can’t go wrong with how you decide to consume this. It’s all about personal preferences and known health issues.
As always, my loves, please consult with your physician before adding fennel to your diet via a supplement or essential oil.
Eating the fennel plant and/or making the tea, in general, is safer because it is not as potent as the extracts and supplements.
The estrogen properties in fennel amaze me. Fennel has potent estrogenic properties and mimics the hormone women produce called estrogen.
This is why I love mother nature and what God has provided for us.
If you need extra estrogen support, consider using fennel tea, fennel supplements, or fennel essential oil rather than synthetic estrogen pills.
Check out my top option for fennel tea here. Save $5 when you use my link. 😊
Final Thoughts: 3 Essential Teas For Women To Drink For Better Health
Depending on your current health needs you can decide which of these 3 herbal teas for women is best for you.
Women have specific health needs. Whether you’re looking for pregnancy support, hormonal support, or support with your cycle, one of these teas (if not all) is sure to support you.
Be sure to save it for later as you can always reference this as you journey through life.
Just a quick recap. We talked about the top 3 essential teas for women for better health, their specific health benefits, and the best way to enjoy your tea.
Now, it’s your turn. Leave a comment below and join the conversation. I would love to hear from you.
Just curious, have you tried any of these top teas for women before? Did you have any success?
We are a family here at holyappetite.com. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions at khrystal@holyappetite.com
Need more help on the essentials products to buy for your health? Check out the health pantry.
I have listed all of the products that I’ve used over the years to support my health with bit-sized information on what they do best.
until next time, keep healing naturally my friend.
All content found on holyappetite.com website, including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider.
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Women’s health can be discussed with different topics at hand, though tea may be the most popular, especially with choices like the ones detailed here being available. Great insight!
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