Short Daily Devotional For When You Can’t Sleep At Night

short daily devotional Psalms 36

The Night Watches: Devotional For When You Can’t Sleep. 

Psalms 63: 5-6 

I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.

Recently, I found myself up in the wee hours of the night. I couldn’t sleep. Mentally, I was ruminating, overthinking, and just meditating on negative thoughts and situations. It was terrible! The enemy was on full blown attack mode.

Keep reading to see how God gave me the victory with one sentence!

In the midst of all of that the Holy Spirit whispers to me, “Think of me during your night watches”. I wrote it down and my thinking immediately changed. Finally, I was able to take charge of the thoughts rummaging through my mind. Peace overtook me. 

The next morning during my devotional time, I read Jesus Today by Sarah Young. The devotional that I turned to was this exact scripture in Psalms. Mind you, I was unaware of this passage of scripture. 

I was blown away! It was such a confirmation of the voice and the presence of God. Till this day, my sleepless nights have never been the same. 

This revelation totally shifted my perspective. I didn’t have to fall subject to the enemy bombarding my thoughts. Thinking of the Lord’s goodness, beautiful moments I’ve had with Jesus, and bible scriptures changed the game for me! The enemy cannot exist where God is! 

My mind was filled with thoughts of the Lord, so the enemy did what he does best. He fled. Hallelujah! I feel like shouting! lol 

The next time you find yourself unable to sleep, The Lord is saying to you, “Think of me during your night watches”. 

Until next time, sleep well my friend. 

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