1 John 4: 18
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”
Welcome to womens daily devotionals. In this bit-sized devotional, we will see that perfect love casts out ALL fear. Not just anybody’s love, but Gods love.
God loves us with a perfect love, so perfect that it actually eradicates fear. This word eradicate means to destroy completely; to put to an end; to pull up by the roots.
Look at fear as a spirit or a “thing” like a person even. Seeing the fear in this light allows you to understand how powerful the love of God is against it.
Fear can be destroyed, and God wants to put and end to your fears.
I was sitting on my deck about a week ago dealing with anxiety and fear. The sun was shining and the leaves blowing, so it was such a perfect atmosphere for peace.
As I was sitting looking up at the sky, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit arrive.
I heard in my soul, from the Holy Spirit, these words…” My perfect love will eradicate all your fears”.
I had been on a journey trying to get a revelation on the love of God for us. It was then that I told myself that I was going to stay on the love of God until I truly got it!
I want to encourage you today to stay on this topic until you get it. Meditate on Gods love until you get it. Come back to this womens daily devotionals until you get it.
What you’re looking for is a REVELATION on Gods love for you! You want this to move from head knowledge to heart knowledge.

1 John 4: 18
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”
The scripture tells us that there is NO FEAR in love and that perfect love cast out fear. It goes on to tell you something else very important.
Fear has torment means to me that torment is built into fear, and Jesus came into the earth to do the opposite of that.
Having an understanding of Gods love takes away your fears because fear and love cannot exist in the same place.
Gods love for you is so powerful that it absorbs your fears and anxiety and it replaces it with trust in God, peace, and tranquility.
So, the next time you find yourself feeling fear start meditating on Gods love for you. Next thing you know, your fears will melt away!
Womens Daily Devotionals In Action
Now it’s your turn. Follow the steps below to put this womens daily devotion in action.

Bite-sized Takeaways:
- Fear and torment come together
- God does not torment with fear
- God eradicates your fears with his love
- Once you have a revelation of the love of God your fears with dissipate
- Fear can be destroyed
Actionable Steps:
- Pray daily for tormenting fear to be eradicated from your life
- Start studying the word specifically about Gods love for you
- Practice mindfulness to recognize those areas that make you most afraid.
- Then take them to God for healing so you and him can uncover the root cause.
Prayer for Gods love:
Dear heavenly Father, thank you so much for the gift of life. Father, I thank you for the gift of emotions and feelings. Lord, I ask that by the help of the Holy Spirit that tormenting fear will be eradicated in my life. Help me to receive and understand your love. Show me areas where I am residing in fear, and help me move to a higher ground of peace, trust, and tranquility. Help me to overcome those things that cause me to fear and the anxiety that plagues me. Lord, I trust you as my savior, as my keeper, and as my deliverer. Thank you for watching over me and keeping me safe. May your perfect love eradicate all my fears!
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