Breaking soul ties is apart of the deliverance that Jesus Christ offers. Many people don’t realize that they may be experiencing certain bondages that are the result of un-broken and un-godly soul ties. Take heed that I said un-godly soul ties. I stress that because not all soul-ties are ungodly.
For instance, the union of a Godly marriage creates a soul tie between two individuals. If your marriage is pleasing to the Lord, you would not want to break the soul tie that you have with your spouse.
The Bible tells us to be equally yoked. A marital relationship (one that is approved in the eyes of God) is a yoke that you do not want to break.
In this article, how to break a soul tie, I will cover the following: The steps on how to break a soul tie, prayer to break a soul tie, and signs that you are dealing with a soul tie.
I believe that all Christians can benefit spiritually from breaking free from soul ties. It is nothing to be ashamed of, and in fact, should be done by most, if not all Christians.
When we give our lives to Christ, we still have the stain of our past sins UNTIL we have repented and asked for forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. We do receive a measure of the Holy Spirit; however, our journey is not yet complete.
Thank God for his faithfulness and mercy! It is comforting to know that we do not have to live under the oppression that our sins have caused. They can all be washed in his blood!
How Do You Know If You Have A Soul Tie With Someone?
Unhealthy soul ties often arise from sinful or toxic relationships and can lead to emotional, spiritual, or even physical harm. Here are common indicators:
- You have frequent dreams about a particular person
- You cannot stop thinking and/or day dreaming about them
- You have a strong emotional connection. No matter how much time and distance is created between you two.
- You often fantasize about them OR compare your current partner/friends to them.
- The relationship was formed or maintained through sinful actions, such as sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:16) or manipulation.
- You find it difficult to develop healthy relationships with others because of lingering emotional or spiritual ties to this person.

How To Break A Soul Tie
Pre-steps to breaking a soul tie:
- Before you begin, be sure to get somewhere quiet where you can be vulnerable before the Lord without interruptions or distractions.
- Pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you any ungodly soul ties that need to be broken from your past and/or present relationships.
- Wait and listen to the Lord as he will begin to reveal very specific names to you. The names can include past sexual partners, romantic relationships, friendship’s, and even certain places.
- Be sure to have a journal handy as you will want to write down in order whatever names the Holy Spirit reveals to you.
- Should you not remember certain individuals names, it it okay. The Lord remembers their name. If you cannot remember their name, the Holy Spirit may bring a specific situation to your remembrance. Just jot down the experience you are referring to.
- For example, sexual relationship with _____. You can use descriptive words to describe the individual and/or the act you are referring to.
- Once you have your list complete, repeat the following prayer to prepare for severing the soul ties:
- Soul of Christ, sanctify me; Body of Christ, save me; Blood of Christ, inebriate me; Water from the side of Christ, wash me; Passion of Christ, strengthen me; O good Jesus, hear me; within your wounds, hide me; let me never be separated from you; from the evil one, protect me; at the hour of my death, call me; and bid me to come to you; that with your saints, I may praise you forever and ever. Amen.
- Tackle breaking each soul tie one-by-one. Deal with each case/name separately. I say this because depending on the sin committed, the Holy Spirit may guide you differently.
- IMPORTANT: Do not rush this process! Be patient with yourself and the Holy Spirit.

Prayer To Break A Soul Tie
Continued steps to breaking A soul tie:
- With the first name in mind, bring to your remembrance the sinful act that was committed to create the soul tie. Visualize the place where you were, and ask Jesus to meet you there.
- The Holy Spirit will work with you and show you if you do not remember or need guidance. Be patient here as you may experience certain feelings OR feel as if you are back in that place; however, this time Jesus will be with you.
- Proceed to SINCERELY repent and ask for forgiveness for any sinful acts that you participated in out of your own will that created the soul tie.
- Ex. Father, please forgive me for fornicating with _____ (be sure to say the person’s name and be very specific with what you are repenting for).
- Prayer: Jesus, I ask that you heal me and wash me clean from every sin that I participated in during that relationship. Lord God, I ask for the blood of Jesus to break and sever every soul tie that was created. Father your word say’s that “Jesus was wounded for my transgressions, he was bruised for my guilt and iniquities: the chastisement that was needful for me to obtain peace was upon him; and with his stripes I AM healed. (Isaiah 53:5-8)
- Prayer continued: Now, in the name of Jesus, I sever every connection between my soul and _____ (say the person’s name). I sever the tie from my soul to theirs, and from their soul to mine. I break the power of every demonic spirit that entered me during my relationship with _______ (say the person’s name) and I command you unclean spirits to leave me now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I break your tie and I sever the cord in the name of Jesus! Thank you God for washing me and setting me free.
- Proceed with these same steps until you are finished with you list.
- If the Lord reveals to you any relationships that were not romantic in nature, seek your heart for the following and repeat the same steps: were any sins committed OR ungodly covenants made during the relationship, you also want to search your heart for any un-forgiveness toward that person and release them from any debts you feel they may owe you.
- Once you have done that, you can proceed to verbally breaking the ungodly soul tie.

Related: Powerful prayer for inner healing of memories. Click here to read more.
Final Thoughts: How to Break A Soul Tie
Breaking a soul tie is not a difficult task. The important thing is that you are willing to humble yourself and become vulnerable before the Lord.
Even though you are breaking the soul tie via way of repentance and renunciations, it is the Holy Spirit that is doing the work.
Keep this as a meditation of your heart as you work through this process.
Jesus will meet you right where you are! Afterward, you will feel lighter and in time will experience better connections in your relationships.
Don’t be alarmed if you have any physical reactions after every soul tie is broken. It is normal and a good sign that deliverance is taking place.
Until next time, happy healing my friend.