Oh Hey, sis! I'm Khrystal Karlett!
your newest christian lifestyle BFF!
Whether you want to grow spiritually, a wellness journey that includes God as the foundation for your healing, or focus on healthy living at home, that’s where I come in!
I can help you enhance your quality of life by focusing on your faith, your health, and overall wellbeing. I’ll be sharing all things faith & wellness that I’ve learned over the years.
You’re in the right place and it’s a safe space! Grab some tea and let’s get to know each other.
Why Holy Appetite
Holy Appetite is a Christian lifestyle community dedicated to helping all women grow in faith, embrace faith-based wellness, and live a healthy faith-based life overall. A faith & wellness journey that includes God in all aspects is the main focus around here! The name was birthed out of my passion for communion with God, healing naturally without harmful side-effects, honoring my temple with a healthy lifestyle, and the importance of keeping our appetites balanced in a Godly way.
I have found that the sure way to obtain true health is to find balance. We must focus on balancing all the appetites in our lives that go beyond just-food. If we allow our appetites to get out of control, we ultimately find ourselves in a state of unbalance.
I want women to enjoy their Christian lives while feeling good on the inside, plus gather the tools they need to journey through life with peace!
Whether you are new to this or have been journeying for some time, YOU ARE WELCOMED HERE and you add value!
Ready to heal? Let's do it together
What You'll Learn
As a Christian woman, you will be given tools and resources to:
- help you flourish spiritually and be anchored in your faith.
- Get educated on ways to support healthy living at home. Plus create a healthy well-balanced life that cultivates peace.
- learn how to heal using biblical methods and principles. including natural remedies & holistic health.
- How to become more aware of your emotions and practice self-care alongside the Holy Spirit.
- Become the best version of yourself (mind, body, and soul)
Community Beliefs
- Communication and a personal relationship with God is key!
- Your health matters to God, and is a vital part of you living a peaceful, happy, Christian life.
- Community is important! God created us for himself, but also for each other. There is no need to heal alone when you can heal together.
- God has given us herbs and food as medicine to heal naturally without harmful side effects.
- Your mental and emotional health is important!
How To Get The Most From The Community
Subscribe here. Stay up-to-date on the most recent blog posts (good reads), freebies, and the latest educational information on faith, health, and holistic healing.
Join here. Joining is simple. Once you join you can ask for prayer requests personally or from the group + get your daily dose of hope and encouragement
Follow here. I’m always posting something inspirational from Christian reels, inspiring quotes + there are some FREE lock screens @holyappetite
Shop here. I get asked a lot about my must-have products & recommendations. CHECK OUT MY FAVORITE FAITH RESOURCES + HEALTH RESOURCES.
So...Who Am I
I was born and raised in Kentwood, Louisiana but have spent most of my adult life in Atlanta, GA. My educational background is in Psychology and Business. I received my Master’s in Positive Psychology and my Undergraduate degree in Business Administration.
I am married to my high school sweetheart, and we have been together for 20 years. We are amazed every day at the grace of God in our marriage and I continue to purposefully show my gratitude for having someone to do life with!
We love hanging out with our family and friends, going to church, trying new restaurants, taking vacations, going to the movies, and taking nature walks together. We are also homebodies, so we enjoy staying indoors. We LOVE our home!
Things I love: Nature, meditation, writing, being a wife, people, worship, Oh! and smoothie bowls! lol
Things I take seriously: My relationship with God, my health, and my peace!
Interested in the essential products I use while on my Faith & Wellness journey? Shop by The Pantry!
I’m here because I know the struggle first hand, and want to help YOU successfully get to the other side of your journey.
I believe that my background, experience, and education will help you do just that! This is going to be a lot of fun, we will learn a lot of things, and maybe cry some healing tears!
A look into my Faith Journey
My faith walk began when I was 13 years old. I can remember the day I was saved at a friend’s church like it was yesterday. As a teenager, my parents would always find me at the foot of my bed saying my morning and evening prayers. Before a war room was a thing, I would go into my closet for 1 on 1 time with God. At the time I didn’t know what I was doing, but something deeper was drawing me toward God. Prior to this period of my life, my grandmother always had us in church. I strongly believe seeds were sown in me that later blossomed into a beautiful walk with God.
Later, my father and mother became intrigued with learning the bible more. We began studies in our home for years that covered the bible verse by verse and chapter by chapter. During this time I studied the bible with a concordance and learned how to break down the Hebrew and Greek dialect and the true meaning of the scriptures.
In 2014, my husband and I started our own home bible study called Winds of Change Empowerment Night that we hosted in our home for over 5 years. My husband taught (he has a Master’s in Christian ministry) and I led worship. I learned I had a gift for worship and entering into the presence of God early on.
In my own devotional times: I would worship until the spirit fell, worship in my car, and experience things you only saw done at church gatherings. Because of this, It felt so good to finally be leading others in the presence of God.
It wasn’t until I was in my late twenties that I started to tap into my spiritual gifts: powerful prayer, prophetic insights, word of knowledge, and community.
My spiritual gifts grew stronger as God introduced me to voice lessons, demonic oppression, and others who needed help. I started to notice people coming to me with life or death situations, and God gracing me to help them through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
This followed me wherever I went: work, at home, with friends, family, etc.
The story you will read below (my health & wellness journey) further exploded my spiritual gifts …
A look into my Journey to Health
Back in 2015, is when I started my health & wellness journey. Back then, something scary yet beautiful happened! My body and my mind began to turn on me, literally! I was sick all the time, tired, overweight, filled with anxiety and fear, having panic attacks, addicted to destructive thinking, breaking out in hives, and getting into numerous car accidents.
The anxiety had gotten so bad that I was not able to work for 2 weeks. My mind & body was shutting down, and concentration had become a luxury for me. During this time all I did was sleep, worry, pray, and cry. I went to numerous doctors and no one knew what was wrong with me!
It was at this point that I knew something had to change!! AND BIG TIME!!! I quickly realized that the way I was eating, thinking, and processing my emotions had a major influence on the way I was showing up in the world.
I quickly realized that I was in transition out of an old life into a new one. I ended up having a dream about a young lady, and strangely enough, I saw her at work! I was in shock to see her walk past me! I remember the dream very vividly and can still remember it to this day.
I ended up having the opportunity to talk with her and found out what she did and WHO SHE WAS.
Her name is Asia Barclay, and let me tell you, my life changed forever. She guided me on my health and wellness journey and then God took it from there. I revamped everything in my life!
My food and nutrition were a big part of it, but it did not stop there! On this journey, the following happened: I learned how to eat properly, cleansed a lot, and for months, found healthier alternatives to the foods I loved, juiced, deepened my prayer life, learned how to think properly, and started to process my emotions.
I soon understood that the reason I was not experiencing a life of happiness, peace, and wellness was because I was not feeding the right things in my life for that result! I was ignoring my emotions, abusing my body, and not leaning into my spirituality and creator.
That was 5 years ago, it was a rough journey; however, out of it, I gained a passion for nutrition, healthy alternatives, natural remedies, and helping others embrace/enhance their spirituality and relationship with God.

Grab Your free faith & wellness Starter Bundle
What you'll receive: Faith on the go (a Guide to maintain your relationship with God while juggling a busy schedule, top 10 DIY natural Remedies (recipe guide to healing the most common ailments) & A healthy Lifestyle grocery checklist!
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